Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Cute dresses lead the way

Well, after waiting, oh, five years since I moved out to clean out my room at my parents' house, I embarked upon the mission yesterday. The great thing in waiting five years to do the job is that I've got almost no sentimental value attached to anything left in the room. My brother is having a garage sale soon, so most working things just go in boxes for his sale, and really crappy stuff I just toss.

I seriously spent half an hour (or less) total cleaning out the entire closet. It would have been significantly less but I found some uber cute dresses from when I was about fourteen, and I just had to try them on. Well hey, what do you know, they are still uber cute and they actually fit! I guess I outgrew my Moroccan baby fat finally (read: the 30 pounds I gained in Morocco thanks to the most bread, butter, jelly, and meat laden diet you could possibly imagine). My mom's great quote, "I hate to say this, but you're so much skinnier than you were in high school!" Now, I couldn't really argue with this. I had on the cutest sundress I think I have ever owned, light blue with a tiny periwinkle flower pattern. I'm proud to say that the dress was a steal from good ol' Delia's, usually the purveyor of the hoochiest of the hoochie. In any case, the dress was actually large on me. Nice! Except now I'm going to have to alter it a little bit.

Apparently lots of people have gone the route I have. My mom likes to update me on everyone in my high school class and what they are up to. Several times yesterday my mom would tell me about someone and then say, "Oh, I saw her recently, and she was really skinny and pretty!" What's with everyone graduating college and being skinny and pretty? I guess while there might be a freshman 15, there also seems to be a senior slough-it-off whereby girls lose a bunch of weight and become "really skinny and pretty." Hm.

I guess it proves just how self-centered I really am when one thought that came to my mind was, "Darn it! I'm not special for finally losing all the flab!" As an American, we all think it's just the biggest accomplishment of the century to get down to what nutritionists would dub an "ideal weight". My friend David once mused what people from a thousand years ago would think if they heard what life was like today. "People just run when they don't have to? They exercise for fun? People try to lose weight because society has too much food??" Ah, how true. The modern diet and exercise industry would seem absolutely ludicrous to a 1st millennium man.

Anyways, I digress. Now it is back to my pit. Things are going nice and quickly, and I think I should manage to have the whole room empty and organized in the next three hours. All the typical justifications for keeping junk pretty much fly out the window in this case. If I haven't used it for five years, there is no way in heck to justify keeping it.


D said...

Well, it's good to know that you are alive.  I started to have SVU-type concerns.

Good job on the weight loss.  We now have an elliptical glider in the house, thanks to the laziness of my mother.

BTW, do you have my key to the mailbox?

Rococoaster said...

i'd been using his key since the disappearance of the keys and coinpurse fiasco.

i guess none of your friends are on birthcontrol pills, or they make 'em better than they did 12 years ago. otherwise i cannot imagine being skinnier than i was in highschool...i weighed 92 lbs when i graduated high school and about 140 when i graduated college. i also had boobs and hips for the first time, thanks to the pill.
Glad you're alive and well. Good luck on the search!