Wednesday, May 25, 2005

If your mood needs lightening

First, I have recently discovered a great new stress reliever: bags of frozen vegetables placed on my face. Why this works, I have no clue. I know some people use ice cubes on their eyes after they cry to make their eyes less red and puffy, but I am talking about a full bag of frozen peas/corn/broccoli/whatever placed across my eyes and nose. And not for post-crying, but to calm me down and make me less stressed. Strange, but true. I love it!

Second, I got something in the mail today from Cambridge University Press. (We get lots of mailings from the various social science presses, advertising new books and all). I opened it up, and the first line says, "A vital resource!" Well, hey, a vital resource...

The Association for Jewish Studies Review.

Um... okay. We can debate whether or not ANY of our sociology junk is important at all, much less vital. And the Association for Jewish Studies Review? I had to laugh at that being called vital.

Third, this is the funniest website. I am probably a bad person for laughing so hard at it, particularly since I don't have kids. Oh well. Now you can be a bad person, too.

1 comment:

RedKev said...

I think this is the funniest website:
It's good for hours of reading and pictures.

You won't feel bad about laughing at this one until you get to the "Mulletard".