Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Biggest compliment of the year

"See, if we're going out to eat, I only want to go somewhere that's fast. You cook as good as the food we get in a restaurant, so why should we pay to eat at a restaurant unless it's really fast?"

(As a side note, "learning to cook well" is perhaps the only goal I have ever set and completed in my life.)


D said...

Why is it that, though you have been our guest on numerous occasions, I have yet to be the recipient of any of your wonderful meals?

RedKev said...

I think Val has been holding out on us.

Anonymous said...

Right, and you should probably use that gift more - just kidding!
Are you still in that miserable little landlocked cell known as South Bend?
- Steve

Anonymous said...

Yes, i agree with you and I am in favour of you .........

Valerie said...

um, who the heck is shopshop?
i promise you all lots of good food. (redkev, it's even almost all vegan, since several of my indian friends are non-egg eaters). of course, i'll have to demand something in return...

Michael & Tammi said...

Hey DVC-

RedKev said...

ANYTHING for you Val. Demand away.

RedKev said...

Holy Shit. Did you click on shopshop's name? I guess the VALF blog screams evening gowns and prom dresses. You really have been holding out on us.