Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Seasons are overrated

People always say that in Houston there aren't any seasons. I always thought that was a silly statement. It still was colder in the fall and spring than in the summer, and colder in the winter than the fall and spring. In winter, Houstonians still don sweaters and for a portion of the winter even jackets. The fall and spring are warm and bearable. The summer is sweltering. Clearly, there are seasons, just tilted more towards the warm end of things.

Still, after four years of living in Houston, I was looking forward to northern seasons again. I looked forward to having a real winter wardrobe. Or more correctly, I looked forward to not having to wear my same summer wardrobe for eight months. I looked forward to leaves changing, and snow. I looked forward to enjoying warm food in the cold weather. And just, having real, northern seasons!

After 2.5 months of being here in the Bend, I am already sick of seasons. First, seasons involve cold. Cold is overrated. It's just COLD. I like my flip flops (and so do my feet!). I'm already tired of closed toed shoes. Not to mention that I don't own any shoes that will make it in winter snow. My hands already get cold when I type sometimes. I don't have thick enough warm-up pants to walk to the gym in when it's chilly. IIt's going to be a loooong winter.

Second, seasons create a lot of hassle. In Houston, I left my clothes out pretty much year round. Sure, in the summer I could put away a few of my sweaters, but most of my clothes were wearable throughout the year. (ie my short sleeve shirts still got use in January). Here, I recently had to go through the arduous process of bringing out all my sweaters and packing up most of my short sleeve shirts, tank tops, and short skirts. That's just a hassle. I also had to pack up stuff like the fan in my room (since everything here is NOT air conditioned).

In my opinions, seasons are overrated. Give me warm weather and flip flops every day, and I'll keep being happy.


Carrie said...

I would still love to live somewhere that has "regular" seasons. I enjoyed the cold when we lived in Tianjin and even more when it snowed. Do you know it is 80 degrees on the first of november in h-town?

Anonymous said...

It snowed 3 inches last night in Boulder! We had a snowball fight. =)
