Saturday, October 09, 2004

The Cute Family =)

This afternoon I was studying at Barnes and Noble. The Barnes and Noble here isn't like the Barnes and Noble on Holcombe (in H-town) or the B&N I recently studied at in Georgetown. The cafes at those B&Ns are full of tables and booths, which are full of people studying. The B&N here has a cafe, but it has far fewer tables, no really comfortable chairs/booths, and pretty much no one studying (except me). Kind of weird, but whatever. I did see the cutest thing. There was a set of parents with their two daughters (about ages 10 and 12 it looked) who bought drinks at the counter then sat down, each with a pile of un-purchased books, and all read. I don't know why it was so cute, but it was! Especially because even the little girls looked totally into it. What a studious family. I bet those girls go far with their educations. And what a cool place to take your kids to read! Not just like, "Okay kids, do your 1 hr of reading today." But rather, "Okay kids, we're going to Barnes and Noble for the afternoon to read." (Even better because they were obviously there to read and not just buy books that may or may not get read.)

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