Today I asked my officemate what the difference between Pentacostalism and Fundamentalism is (he's doing a paper on Fundamentalism). Amongst other things, he directed me to this fabulous fundamentalist website, The best part of the site are the pamphlets available for puchase. Here is a sampling of titles that the two of us found pretty funny.
On Hell:
Great Preaching on Hell Volume XIV (compiled by Dr. Curtis Hutson)
Hell is for Real! (Dr. Shelton L. Smith)
Neglect--The Shortest Way to Hell (Dr. John R. Rice)
Sex and Alcohol:
Al K. Hall: America's Most Famous Terrorist (Dr. Shelton L. Smith)
The Double Curse of Booze (Dr. John R. Rice)
Liquid Devil! (Dr. Hugh Pyle)
Should Christians Drink Wine? (Dr. Curtis Hutson)
The Backslider (Dr. John R. Rice)
The Christian Faces Sex Problems (Dr. John R. Rice)
The Good Ship Courtship (Dr. Hugh Pyle)
The Pestilence of Aids (Dr. Hugh Pyle)
The Truth About the Homosexuals (Dr. Hugh Pyle)
These Bible Christians Fell Through Compromise (Dr. John R. Rice)
Conditions to Answered Prayer (Dr. Curtis Hutson)
How to Get Things From God (Dr. John R Rice)
Women, the Home and Family:
Bobbed Hair, Bossy Wives, and Women Preachers (Dr. John R. Rice)
Your Clothes Say it for You (Elizabeth Rice Handford)
The Bible, The Feminists and Sexual Harassment (Dr. Hugh Pyle)
Rebellious Wives and Slacker Husbands (Dr. John R. Rice)
Teenager, You Can Make It! (Don Woodard)
Amusements for Christians: Right or Wrong? (Dr. John R. Rice)
It Doesn't Take a Village (Dr. Dan Burrell)
On Calvinism, Catholicism, and Souther Baptists:
Why I Disagree With All Five Points of Calvinism (Dr. Curtis Hutson)
The Deadly Flower...T. U. L. I. P. (Dr. Gregory Baker)
Dear Catholic Friend (Dr. John R. Rice)
SBC Conservative "Take-Over" Not a "Make-Over" (Dr. Shelton L. Smith)
"Soul Winning":
The Golden Path to Successful Personal Soul Winning (Dr. John R. Rice)
House-To-House Soul Winning, God's Way (Dr. Tom Malone)
Lifestyle Evangelism Refuted (Dr. Curtis Hutson)
Winning Souls and Getting Them Down the Aisle (Dr. Curtis Hutson)
That is horrifying. I found the second "the" in "The Truth About the Homosexuals" very telling. So sad.
Yikes! I was also going to comment on THE homosexuals.
And here I was going to order that one . . . in the interests of self-knowledge and all. I mean, if I can order a pamphlet and save myself all the hard work involved in finding out the truth about myself on my own . . . time is money, after all. And then I could order the one about "Al K. Hall" and the one about women and "bobbed hair" and probably save on shipping costs . . . oh, dear . . . must go find life now . . .
I too was going to leave a comment on good old Hugh Pile and his homosexual truths. The only source I would trust would be 1st hand knowlegde and I hope Hugh can deliver on that point. Or, maybe Hugh has a doctorate in Homosexuality. Hugh also wrote the one about "The Feminists". I wonder if he has 1st hand knowledge on "The Feminists" too. But most importantly, why must there be a "The" in front of Feminists. I guess it is "the Homosexuals" too.
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