Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Here's to My Only Two Readers: David and Cohen

The classroom where I have one of my statistics classes (Longitudinal Data Analysis to be exact) is a relatively small classroom. It has three tables in a U-shape with chairs around the outside, and a podium in the front where the professor can talk from. The tables that make the U are rather large, and so when people are seated in the chairs it's practically impossible to get by them around the back. (When people get to class, the common courtesy is to take the seat farthest in as possible so that climbing around people is minimized). The classroom also has a blackboard and no fancy AV hookups (computers or projectors or anything). This is of note because most classrooms here at the Dame smack of the university's money, with fancy computer hookups (they are actually useful, as most professors lecture with powerpoint instead of overheads).

In any case, this classroom is apparently our professor's favorite classroom where he teaches every class of his, every semester. The other day as I was watching a girl who had to go to the bathroom climb under the table to get back to her chair, I wondered why Scott (our professor) didn't try to upgrade to a better room. When I realized what I was thinking about, I kind of was annoyed with myself. The room is functional. Sure, more space and nicer AV hookups would be nice, but the room works perfectly fine for its purpose. I started feeling like I need a lesson in learning to be happy with things that are functional, if not state of the art. (As Americans, we usually think to want the best, most state-of-the-art things possible).

So, recently I've noticed that it appears I only have two blog readers. Cheers to them, my very very dear friends David and Cohen, who really are more like family. Part of me wants to lament the fact that no one else reads my blog anymore. Some of this is silly "why aren't i as popular???" sentiments, and some of it is just sadness that it seems I'm becoming disconnected with my old friends. Except for Steve, no one at the Dame reads my blog, so the lack of readers somehow seems directly proportional to the closeness I retain to old friends.

If anyone other than David or Cohen is reading this, well, let me know that you are still keeping up with me via reading my blog, and heck, leave a comment.

But hey, I'm not asking for pity: I couldn't be more thankful for my two very faithful readers, D and C, even if I am preaching to the choir with most of my entries and talking to you on the phone regularly (thus perhaps negating the necessity for the blog). I don't have a pithy last sentence for this entry, so here's what I'm thinking about: I made vegetable enchiladas and Mexican beans for the first time ever tonight, and they turned out really well! Yay!


Anonymous said...

valf. im reading. its clara, fyi. congrats on ucla too! amazing. just in my second week of grad school and still feel like the only dumbass in class. =) hugs.

Dallas said...

If that title wasn't a request for comments, I don't know what is. But, it worked ;-)

BTW, I read every entry... Kinja lets me know when you have written a new post.

D said...

God, I love you.  I guess Co and I are not your only readers after all, we're just your most frequent commentors.  Keep blogging because I love your quirky observations.

Is there such a thing as Latitudinal Data Analysis? And if so, what's the difference from Longitudinal Data Analysis?

And it's one thing to not demand the latest cutting edge technology, but it strikes me as quite another to force people to climb over tables to use the restroom.  It would be like insisting upon using an out-house (and forcing your guests to do the same) when indoor plumbing was easily obtainable.  Inconvenient isn't quaint; it's inconvenient.  That's my two cents.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Chris - leaving comments kinda destroys the anonymous stalker quality that I so love :)

Congrats on the enchiladas!


Rococoaster said... sweet are you? How funny that I'm the seventh commenter on a brand new post. see, you are loved! Kudos on the enchiladas...where are mine! We had small group with just Zig and Sarah last night and it was so great! You were mentioned and remain missed by all. Love you tons! Check out those links on the e-mail I sent you. that guys used to be a real self righteous bastard and is now a sociologist. wha? love and hugs!

Carrie said...

Ouch...of course I read your blog...just barely have time to do that...guess I will start commenting so my name can appear in a title for a post :)

Anonymous said...

No seriously, what better way to attract comments? You know, as a blogger myself, I can't help but get a little too happy when people leave comments.
Anyway, I do read, but I'm lazy, what's new.
Also, the cookies were delicious. I know you sent them through Jeff to torture me, but don't worry, I deliberated for about 3 seconds before I ate them - AFTER I brushed my teeth, too. So anyway, thanks for the cookies, yummy as always
And lastly, let's go to Star of India tommorrow!!!