Thursday, January 27, 2005

Quick shout-out

Wow, I didn't realize I had so many silent readers. Thanks, folks. Not only do I have readers, but it seems like everyone reads regularly, considering you all said hello within a day or two of my entry.

Besides my excitement that I have more than two blog readers, life has been very good lately. Let me name the little things that have been making me happy. Tonight I am going salsa dancing, which I love. My classes are actually useful and challenging and interesting this semester. I invented a frittata-esque egg dish last week that features asparagus, and I like it so much. One of my favorite TV shows (in syndication) is finally playing reruns of the episodes that I've never seen before. My roommate and I are taking a step aerobics class and our instructor is fabulous. I have eaten so much good Indian buffet lately. Oh yeah, and I've been getting to watch a lot of movies. I have never gotten to watch movies as much as I would like, and I am finally making a point to do it, and I really enjoy it. I'm guaranteed funding for this summer (yay!! who wouldn't be happy to have a job?). Also, I discovered the movie I have been dying to see, Hotel Rwanda, is finally playing in South Bend; when I found that out today it was pretty much the cherry on top of a good life.

Sure, there are things to complain about, namely how FREAKIN' COLD it is (try highs above freezing maybe once a week) or how there is too much soap opera-esque drama (I thought I left that when I left Brown, but apparently not everyone outgrows it when they graduate college). But overall life has been treating me so very well, and I'm thankful for that.

So, I have a couple of real (more deep) posts that will go up soon, but I couldn't just plead for comments and not thank you all when you left them, right? Thanks!!!


D said...

Can I make a request in advance for your new frittata creation and maybe peanut butter cookies the next time your in town?  I'm so happy that life is going well.  What's the TV show?

Rococoaster said...

Can I please be a fiendish little imp and point out that my man just typed "your" when he really meant "you're"? I know it's shitty, but Clara and I get so much evil pleasure from D being wrong. :)
I'm so glad you have been able to cobble together a good life at the Dame. I knew it was possible and all of our prayers for you have been answered. You're even getting to dance on a regular basis! And you have Indian friends! I'm done feeling sorry for you! Love and kisses!

Anonymous said...


One of your other readers is breaking the silence.
Glad to know that you are having a 'good life' at the Dame.
Please keeping writing especially about the soap opera-esque drama that you are almost complained about.

Nowhere else but NOTRE DAME.