Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Most amusing conversation of my last two weeks in the Bend

From my astute sociology colleague Matt Loveland (fellow grad student at Notre Dame), a happily married 27 (or 28?) year old guy, to Brandy and I (two unmarried girls in our 20s).

Context: Brandy, 27, never used to want to get married. Now she does. Why? Because all her friends have significant others/spouses now, and there's no longer that person who she can call whenever, because all her friends have a significant other to be that person. Essentially, she wants a lifelong partner for the companionship. She specifically noted, "I don't want it for sex. I could get sex if I wanted. I mean, I could probably even get it anonymously if I wanted."

Matt: "Oh yeah, women can get sex whenever they want. Not like guys. You two could get sex right now if you wanted. [pause while he thinks a second]. In fact, I'm married, and you probably still could get sex before me. If we started the clock right now, I bet you two would win."

[Bob, a pious Mennonite and ridiculously gorgeous blonde guy in the sociology department, walks by. Don't get any ideas here; unfortunately Bob is happily married to a ridiculously gorgeous and super sweet Guatemalan girl who we all love].

"Well, Bob might be able to beat you two, sorry."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

actually i still's that easy for women.