Wednesday, September 08, 2004

A quote from my sister's friend Janet

"It was never a question of whether or not to fight the war on terror, but how to fight it. It was never an issue of right and wrong, but how to reconcile one person's right with another person's wrong. As we point fingers and caricaturize evil, the utter lack of self introspection and will to understand the reasons for evil is something Americans should be ashamed of. I do not believe that evil exists in a vacuum. Just as we believe that poverty, ignorance, and bigotry have their roots in societal iniquities, so too we must take responsibility for the societal iniquities that cause terrorism. There is nothing to fear except the exploitation of fear. There is nothing more dangerous than the those who would have us believe that evil exists without cause, without reason, and without a claim to righteousness."

(Janet is one smart cookie if you ask me. By the way I stole this from my sister's blog, who stole it from Janet's AIM profile.)


D said...

The only smart thing Bush fils has ever said is that we can't win the war on terror.  Just like the "war on drugs" it is mere rhetoric and posturing that will result in many lives lost (1,000 American lives to date--one third the number of victims of 9/11--not to mention the number of Afghan and Iraqi lives) but little else.  Terrorism is a method, not an army.  There will never be a surrender or the signing of a treaty.

And when looking for someone to blame, we don't have to look far.  The CIA trained many of the militant, fundamentalist Muslims in urban and guerrilla warfare so that they could kill more Russians back in the eighties.  See Charlie Wilson's War by George Crile for the full story.  We created our own Golem (or Frankenstein's monster) and weep over the resulting destruction.

Rococoaster said...

First of all. Janet is a genius! Does she go to MIT?
Secondly, my husband not only knows how to put links in his comments, but also knows about the Golem? Damn, son! I concentrated in folklore at UT and took a class on the Jewish Occult. I had no idea D knew such things as well. Maybe we should talk sometime!